Results for 'Marc Garriga Portolà'

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  1. El Frankenstein español del Open Data: avances importantes, lagunas clamorosas.Marc Garriga Portolà - 2013 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 94:68-73.
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    .Marc Forster - unknown
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  3. Assessing risky social situations.Marc Fleurbaey - unknown
    This paper re-examines the welfare economics of risk. It singles out a class of criteria, the “expected equally-distributed equivalent”, as the unique class which avoids serious drawbacks of existing approaches. Such criteria behave like ex-post criteria when the final statistical distribution of wellbeing is known ex ante, and like ex-ante criteria when risk generates no inequality. The paper also provides a new result on the tension between inequality aversion and respect of individual ex ante preferences, in the vein of Harsanyi’s (...)
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    De persistentie van verzuiling op microniveau in Vlaanderen : Een analyse van surveydata over lidmaatschap, zuilintegratie, stemgedrag en maatschappelijke houdingen.Marc Hooghe - 1999 - Res Publica 41 (4):391-420.
    An analysis of survey data on membership, pillarisation, voting behaviour and attitudes.Belgian society is traditionally portrayed as heavily pillarised, i.e. having a system of exclusive linkages between voluntary associations and political parties, resulting in the formation of a catholic, a socialist and a liberal 'pillar' within society. Recently, several authors have questioned the validity oft his model. Our survey of the Flemish population, however, shows that pillarisation is an enduring feature of Flemish society. Membership of voluntary associations, trade unions and (...)
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  5. How and why the SDGs entered the paradigm of safeguarding intangible heritage.Marc Jacobs - 2024 - In Chiara Bortolotto & Ahmed Skounti (eds.), Intangible cultural heritage and sustainable development: inside a UNESCO Convention. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    (1 other version)L'identité Wallonne saisie par l'enquête.Marc Jacquemain, René Doutrelepont & Michel Vandekeere - 1994 - Res Publica 36 (3-4):343-359.
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    (1 other version)Beyond the political principle: Applying Martin Buber’s philosophy to societal polarization.Marc Pauly - 2021 - Sage Publications Ltd: Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (3):437-456.
    Philosophy & Social Criticism, Volume 48, Issue 3, Page 437-456, March 2022. Societal polarization has given rise to opposing groups that fight each other as enemies and that have very different ideas about what should be done and about what is the case. This article investigates what tools there are in the philosophy of Martin Buber to address this societal polarization. Buber’s notion of community, the relationship between means and ends, his opposition to the political principle, the notion of an (...)
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    Writing: Theory and History of the Technology of Civilization (review).Marc Pierce - 2012 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 105 (4):566-567.
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    Modulations of the experience of self and time.Marc Wittmann - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 38 (C):172-181.
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    Lyons (John)," Chomsky".Marc Dominicy - 1978 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 123:128-131.
  11. Does firm size comfound the relationship between corporate social performance and firm financial performance?Marc Orlitzky - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 33 (2):167 - 180.
    There has been some theoretical and empirical debate that the positive relationship between corporate social performance (CSP) and firm financial performance (FFP) is spurious and in fact caused by a third factor, namely large firm size. This study examines this question by integrating three meta-analyses of more than two decades of research on (1) CSP and FFP, (2) firm size and CSP, and (3) firm size and FFP into one path-analytic model. The present study does not confirm size as a (...)
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  12. «Une voix sortit du trône qui disait...»(Apocalypse de Jean 19, 5a).Marc Philonenko - 1999 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 79 (1):83-89.
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  13. Teaching about technology: an introduction to the philosophy of technology for non-philosophers.Marc J. de Vries - 2005 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    Teaching about technology, at all levels of education, can only be done properly when those who teach have a clear idea about what it is that they teach. In other words: they should be able to give a decent answer to the question: what is technology? In the philosophy of technology that question is explored. Therefore the philosophy of technology is a discipline with a high relevance for those who teach about technology. Literature in this field, though, is not always (...)
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    Logical Constraints on Judgement Aggregation.Marc Pauly & Martin Hees - 2006 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 35 (6):569-585.
    Logical puzzles like the doctrinal paradox raise the problem of how to aggregate individual judgements into a collective judgement, or alternatively, how to merge collectively inconsistent knowledge bases. In this paper, we view judgement aggregation as a function on propositional logic valuations, and we investigate how logic constrains judgement aggregation. In particular, we show that there is no non-dictatorial decision method for aggregating sets of judgements in a logically consistent way if the decision method is local, i.e., only depends on (...)
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    Les traités de l’éloquence du corps.Marc Angenot - 1973 - Semiotica 8 (1).
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  16. Le bronze doré: structure et altérations de quelques dorures à l'amalgame de mercure.Marc Aucouturier, Benoît Mille & Odile Leconte - 2002 - Techne: La Science au Service de l'Histoire de l'Art Et des Civilisations 16:11-19.
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  17. Conspiracy Theories.Marc Pauly - 2020 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Conspiracy Theories The term “conspiracy theory” refers to a theory or explanation that features a conspiracy among a group of agents as a central ingredient. Popular examples are the theory that the first moon landing was a hoax staged by NASA, or the theory that the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center were not … Continue reading Conspiracy Theories →.
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    A cognitive explanation of the perceived normativity of cultural conventions.Marc Slors - 2019 - Mind and Language 36 (1):62-80.
    I argue that cultural conventions such as social etiquette facilitate a specific (non‐Lewisian) kind of action coordination—role–interaction coordination—that is required for division of labour. Playing one's roles and coordinating them with those of others is a form of multitasking. Such multitasking is made possible on a large scale because we can offload cognition aimed at coordination onto a stable infrastructure of cultural conventions. Our natural tendency to prefer multitasking in instances where one task requires low cognitive control can thus explain (...)
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    Evaluating the acceptability of ethical recommendations in industry 4.0: an ethics by design approach.Marc M. Anderson & Karën Fort - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (6):2989-3003.
    In this paper, we present the methodology we used in the European Horizon 2020 AI-PROFICIENT project, to evaluate the implementation of the ethical component of the project. The project is a 3-year collaboration between a university partner and industrial and tech partners, which aims to research the integration of AI services in heavy industry work settings. An AI ethics approach developed for the project has involved embedded ethical analysis of work contexts and design solutions and the generation of specific and (...)
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  20. Petrifying, disregarding or reforming customs : can customary law be changed in a liberal way?Marc Goetzmann - 2019 - In Maciej Chmieliński & Michał Rupniewski (eds.), The Philosophy of Legal Change: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Processes. New York: Routledge.
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    A theory in need of defense.Marc N. Branch - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (4):678-679.
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    La contrainte.Marc Neuberg - 1990 - Dialogue 29 (4):491-.
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    Mises en scène et rituels politiques : une approche critique.Marc Abeles - 1990 - Hermes 8:241.
    Les réflexions présentées dans cet article portent sur la nature du rituel et de la symbolique politique dans nos sociétés. On se propose de confronter différentes approches de ces phénomènes : d'un côté un point de vue qui met en évidence les déterminants sociologiques des rituels politiques. Cette approche prend appui sur une conception où la représentation politique apparaît comme une forme aliénante et mystifiante. Un autre point de vue consiste à prendre comme objet le travail symbolique du rituel : (...)
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    Algerian women in France : what kind of citizenship? (1930s-1960s).Marc André - 2016 - Clio 43:94-116.
    Cet article porte sur les femmes algériennes qui, migrant à travers la méditerranée après 1947, migrent également à travers la citoyenneté : en une vie, elles ont été “indigènes”, Françaises musulmanes, Françaises à part entière (c’est-à-dire aussi dotées du droit de vote) durant quatre années (1958-1962), puis Algériennes et donc étrangères, toujours immigrées. Il examine ces parcours de femmes passées du statut de sujet colonial à celui d’autres statuts (citoyennes, étrangères, binationales). Pour cela, il repose sur une enquête orale menée (...)
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    Axiomatizing collective judgment sets in a minimal logical language.Marc Pauly - 2007 - Synthese 158 (2):233-250.
    We investigate under what conditions a given set of collective judgments can arise from a specific voting procedure. In order to answer this question, we introduce a language similar to modal logic for reasoning about judgment aggregation procedures. In this language, the formula expresses that is collectively accepted, or that is a group judgment based on voting. Different judgment aggregation procedures may be underlying the group decision making. Here we investigate majority voting, where holds if a majority of individuals accepts, (...)
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    Decolonizing Christianity: Becoming Badass Believers.Marc V. Rugani - 2021 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 42 (1):211-212.
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    Préface : regard sur les guerres de mémoires dans le monde.Marc Ferro - 2008 - Hermes 52:9.
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    Meanings of Pain: Volume 2: Common Types of Pain and Language.Marc A. Russo, Joletta Belton, Bronwyn Lennox Thompson, Smadar Bustan, Marie Crowe, Deb Gillon, Cate McCall, Jennifer Jordan, James E. Eubanks, Michael E. Farrell, Brandon S. Barndt, Chandler L. Bolles, Maria Vanushkina, James W. Atchison, Helena Lööf, Christopher J. Graham, Shona L. Brown, Andrew W. Horne, Laura Whitburn, Lester Jones, Colleen Johnston-Devin, Florin Oprescu, Marion Gray, Sara E. Appleyard, Chris Clarke, Zehra Gok Metin, John Quintner, Melanie Galbraith, Milton Cohen, Emma Borg, Nathaniel Hansen, Tim Salomons & Grant Duncan - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    Experiential evidence shows that pain is associated with common meanings. These include a meaning of threat or danger, which is experienced as immediately distressing or unpleasant; cognitive meanings, which are focused on the long-term consequences of having chronic pain; and existential meanings such as hopelessness, which are more about the person with chronic pain than the pain itself. This interdisciplinary book - the second in the three-volume Meanings of Pain series edited by Dr Simon van Rysewyk - aims to better (...)
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    8. Cognitive Science as an Interdisciplinary Endeavour.Marc De Mey - 2000 - In Peter Weingart & Nico Stehr (eds.), Practising Interdisciplinarity. University of Toronto Press. pp. 154-172.
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    Educating in the Seventh Fire: Debwewin, Mino‐bimaadiziwin, and Ecological Justice.Marc Kruse, Nicolas Tanchuk & Robert Hamilton - 2019 - Educational Theory 69 (5):587-601.
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    Primate People: Saving Nonhuman Primates Through Education, Advocacy, and Sanctuary.Marc Bekoff - 2012 - University of Utah Press.
    This thought-provoking collection sheds light on the plight of our nonhuman primate cousins--and what we can do to help.
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    The public lives of animals: A troubled scientist, pissy baboons, angry elephants, and happy hounds.Marc Bekoff - 2006 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 13 (5):115-131.
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    The Fruitful Metaphor, but a Metaphor, nonetheless.Marc Belth - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (4):622-623.
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    Isomorphisms between HEO and HROE, ECF and ICFE.Marc Bezem - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (2):359 - 371.
    In this paper it will be shown that HEO and HRO E are isomorphic with respect to extensional equality. This answers a question of Troelstra [T, 2.4.12, p. 128]. The main problem is to extend effective operations to a larger domain. This will be achieved by a modification of the proof of the continuity of effective operations. Following a suggestion of A.S. Troelstra, similar results were obtained for ECF(U) and ICF E (U), where U is any universe of functions closed (...)
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    ’Si vous allez derrière un thé'tre...’: La Bruyère’s moral gestures.Marc E. Blanchard - 1984 - Semiotica 51 (1-3).
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    Gaining (on) momentum.Marc N. Branch - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (1):92-93.
    Nevin & Grace's approach is an interesting and useful attempt to find ways to measure “core” effects of a history of exposure to reinforcement. The momentum analogy makes intuitive sense, and the evidence for its utility is increasing. Several questions remain, however, about how the analogy will fare in the case of concurrent rather than sequential activities, about the use of extinction as a method to test resistance to change, and about the generality of some of the effects.
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  37. Fire, cloud, and deep darkness" (Deuteronomy 5:22) : Deuteronomy's recasting of revelation.Marc Zvi Brettler - 2008 - In George John Brooke, Hindy Najman & Loren T. Stuckenbruck (eds.), The significance of Sinai: traditions about Sinai and divine revelation in Judaism and Christianity. Boston: Brill.
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  38. Causation, risk, and loss of chance in medical negligence.Stauch Marc - 1997 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 17 (2).
  39. La idea de posible y el sentido de la existencia.Andre Marc - 1951 - Sapientia 6 (19):10.
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  40. « Psychologie réflexive ». Museum Lessianum Section philosophique, no 30.André Marc - 1952 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 7 (3):292-294.
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    Equal opportunity, reward and respect for preferences: Reply to Roemer.Marc Fleurbaey - 2012 - Economics and Philosophy 28 (2):201-216.
    This rejoinder to Roemer examines Roemer's amendment to his EOp criterion, explains the similarities and differences between Roemer's approach to equality of opportunity and the economic literature inspired by the fair allocation theory, and proposes some clarifications on the compensation principle and the role of the reward principle in the definition of a responsibility-sensitive social criterion. It highlights the power of the ideal of respect for individual preferences with respect to the reward issue and the concern for potential harshness of (...)
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    Eigenes Leben?: christliche Sozialethik im Kontext der Individualisierungsdebatte.Marc-Ansgar Seibel - 2005 - Paderborn: Schöningh.
    Originally presented as the author's thesis under the title: "Individualisierung" als soziologisches und sozialethisches "Zeichen der Zeit"- eine sozialethische Auseinandersetzung...
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  43. Asymmetry in Online Social Networks.Marc Cheong - manuscript
    Varying degrees of symmetry can exist in a social network's connections. Some early online social networks (OSNs) were predicated on symmetrical connections, such as Facebook 'friendships' where both actors in a 'friendship' have an equal and reciprocal connection. Newer platforms -- Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook's 'Pages' inclusive -- are counterexamples of this, where 'following' another actor (friend, celebrity, business) does not guarantee a reciprocal exchange from the other. -/- This paper argues that the basic asymmetric connections in an OSN leads (...)
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    Area activation: a computational model of saccadic selectivity in visual search.Marc Pomplun, Eyal M. Reingold & Jiye Shen - 2003 - Cognitive Science 27 (2):299-312.
    The Area Activation Model (Pomplun, Reingold, Shen, & Williams, 2000) is a computational model predicting the statistical distribution of saccadic endpoints in visual search tasks. Its basic assumption is that saccades in visual search tend to foveate display areas that provide a maximum amount of task‐relevant information for processing during the subsequent fixation. In the present study, a counterintuitive prediction by the model is empirically tested, namely that saccadic selectivity towards stimulus features depends on the spatial arrangement of search items. (...)
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  45. Théorie Littéraire Problèmes Et Perspectives.Marc Angenot & Eva Kushner - 1989
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  46. Aqedah: Midrash as Visualization.Marc Bregman - 2003 - Journal of Textual Reasoning 2 (1).
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    Discourse evocation: its cognitive foundations and its role in speech and texts.Marc Dominicy, Philippe Brabanter & Mikhail Kissine - 2009 - In Philippe de Brabanter & Mikhail Kissine (eds.), Utterance Interpretation and Cognitive Models. Emmerald Publishers. pp. 179--210.
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    Pozzi (Lorenzo)," Da Ramus a Kant: il dibattito sulla sillogistica".Marc Dominicy - 1985 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 154:273-275.
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    Three spurious occurrences of "paruus" in Latin poetry.Marc Dominicy - 2012 - Hermes 140 (1):112-117.
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    Wittgenstein et les limites du monde.Marc Dominicy - 1999 - Logique Et Analyse 167:411-440.
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